When branding your company be sure to give careful thought to your color scheme as the choice can elicit different behaviors from users. The following provides a glimpse into what stimuli are generated from certain colors.
Is said to be the color of conversation. It promotes an air of ease and inspires visitors to browse a site endlessly. It is considered to be one of the most effective colors in sales as it signifies trust and reputation.
Draws attention and causes visitors to concentrate. It also creates excitement but overuse of the color is useless!
Promotes happiness and optimism. It can be difficult to read so it should be used to highlight information or as a background color.
Always calms people. It should not be used to highlight important information as it can easily be passed over. It is a conservative color.
Symbolizes elegance, royalty, and wealth. It is well served on topics that focus on benefits and solutions. Young people are drawn to purple which is why it is often used to provoke conversation and on community websites.
Went considering colors to be aware of the contrast and the mixed signals. Certain colors work well together and deliver a punch. Color should reflect the identity of your company.