Email Marketing
- DO Use a catchy subject line that is going to create a call-to-action. DON’T use a FAKE subject line just to boost your open rate.
- DON’T Use multiple CTA’s in one email. Keep your emails simple promoting one subject at a time or better yet, try using an educational email as opposed to one that sells.
- DO make it easy to unsubscribe. That means that the link to bow out is easy to find and requires little effort to execute the process. Many companies have a one-click enrollment into automatic deduction programs but require a handwritten letter for cancellation.
- DON’T use aggressive pop-up boxes that appear the second a visitor lands on your website. If they are anything like me they will take offense click away in a matter of seconds. Here’s an example of an easy signup form that requires no more credentials than an email address.
- DON’T use every social share button possible. Depending on the subject at hand, incorporating the most likely culprits such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Twitter is sufficient.
- DON’T use automatic video or music … sounds are intrusive to many people. There are some instances when they are suitable. On websites where sound suits the atmosphere such as this permaculture website which has a beautiful instrumental embedded on the homepage. The audio controls are enabled for those who prefer the quiet.
- DON’T use a complicated CAPTCHA. It is very frustrating to be bumped out of a submission multiple times because one cannot read the CAPTCHA form.
- DO make sure that your backgrounds do not interfere with the reader’s ability to read the content.
- DON’T have advertisements that are disguised as something else it is sleazy and misleading.
Social Media
- DON’T use social media as a platform to constantly peddle your wares. Your visitors did not sign up to be sold. Use these platforms to keep your audience atop of industry trends, show your expertise and give your brand a personality. Red Bull knows their target audience well and they deliver on their Facebook Page by sharing extreme sports videos from around the world and interactive games.
- DON’T repost the same information over and over again. Repurpose or share information from other valid sources but strive to be original and fresh.
- DO pay attention to grammar. It matters.
- DON’T use a barrage of emojis or ALL CAPS. There are adjectives that would be more effective and ALL CAPS feels like yelling.
How a person presents themselves on their personal website page absolutely reflects on their reputation in business. Be very careful before engaging in the three biggest crimes on Facebook:
- Facebook should not be a forum for people to rant political or otherwise. It is the equivalent of vomiting on their 400 nearest and dearest friends.
- Excessive bragging – whether it is their perfect marriage, perfect children or perfect vacation, sharing photos of special events is one thing but many take it over the top.
- It used to be that all caps were annoying but there’s a new trend now of using a combination of upper and lower case letters. And let’s not forget the barrage of hashtags and emojis!