The events of 2020 have greatly impacted the way that consumers consume information and the way businesses market products. Those changes will be reflected in web design trends in 2021. Specifically, it will be noticeable in user experiences and in brand positioning as companies seek to satisfy the customers who have emerged from the cover of Covid.
An Unforgettable User Experience
To make up for what we have lost in real-life experiences, web designers will blur the lines between reality and virtual reality by creating interactive digital experiences that wow. In-person events such as lectures and concerts have now found a new home on the web, and in many cases permanently. However, what began as static ‘Zoom’ videos have evolved into rich media productions with elaborate visual effects.
Personalization in web experiences will be brought to a new level. This appeals to the end-users sense of self. Our virtual identities with customized faces will take center stage on our screens feeding our unquenchable thirst for self-expression and individualism. Likewise, developers are offering flexible interfaces that allow users to customize their experience to suit their personal preferences. These offerings all feed into the realization by brands that the customer and the customer experience are kings.
Brands Will Take a Stand
#BlackLiveMatter initiated a movement that inspired brands to be vocal about a cause that they believed in. Remaining silent sent an unspoken message that brands were in support of the status quo. Similarly, the recent crisis at the U.S. Capitol prompted an unprecedented number of brands, CEOs, and business groups to speak out against the riots and take strong public positions.
Organizations that promote the values and principles that are important to them will attract customers who share their sentiments and likewise feel connected to the product. This trend will likely continue. However, from a marketing perspective, brands should be cautious and consider the ramifications. Brands should look back at where they stood historically before changing lanes and inadvertently contradicting themselves. Also, they should refrain from speaking out on a subject that doesn’t warrant their brand’s voice or might potentially offend stakeholders.
Sensitivity to the Public Plight
It was a difficult year overall but 2020 did have its bright spots. For starters, brands have embraced the voice of optimism while unveiling their more sensitive and caring sides. Also, they have forged a united front in support of inclusive, healthy, and safe environments both on and off the web. With this new cloak of sensitivity comes a healthy dose of nostalgia for things that we may have been taken for granted before 2020. The flavor of retro will prevail across the web as brands strive to connect with the good old days!